How to Stop Overeating: The Secret Lies in Mindfulness

We all know how to stop overeating. We just don’t do it. It’s time to take control of your food cravings and get healthy! Mindful eating is the key to not only maintaining a wellness …

How to Stop Overeating

We all know how to stop overeating. We just don’t do it. It’s time to take control of your food cravings and get healthy!

Mindful eating is the key to not only maintaining a wellness lifestyle, but also achieving long-term weight loss success.

When we eat, our brain is flooded with a myriad of signals that cause us to overeat. But what if you could stop this from happening?

In this article, we’ll discuss why mindful eating is so important for wellness and how you can start incorporating it into your life today.

Let us explore how mindfulness can help combat cravings for food and other things like drugs or alcohol. Basically, when your thoughts are filled with noise—such as wishing it was Friday, so you could have some wine later in the evening because Mondays suck–your brain sends out chemical messages telling your body to get more sustenance right now! By simply quieting these thoughts through mindful meditation (focusing on just one thing), people who practice it experience less stress-related cravings.

Mindful meditation can be as simple as focusing your attention on a single object like your breath or an idea for five minutes every day. There is no need to sign up for expensive courses; instead, simply make this decision one time and commit to doing it.

With mindfulness, you are able to be present in the moment and respond instead of reacting to your environment or thoughts. It doesn’t matter how many years have gone by–you can start practicing it today!
Mindful eating is the process of becoming more aware of how what and when you eat–making mindful choices about food intake rather than mindlessly grazing on whatever’s in front of us or following a set diet.

Being present with every bite, considering whether we are starving for that particular food, and then being fully present with the experience of eating it–these are all hallmarks of mindful eating.

To make mindful eating a reality for our wellness journey, we’ll share some tips about what mindful eating is and how to implement it into your wellness journey.

The first place to start in order to stop overeating is taking your time and savoring each bite.

over eating

Try to eat just one thing at a time.  Remember, you’re not racing against the clock! It’s okay if your food cools down or even gets cold while you take time to savor it. You’ll also feel fuller faster and more satisfied because of this process.

Chew thoroughly
This is a habit that leads to better digestion and less bloating, as well as increased feelings of fullness.  When you chew more slowly, it gives the stomach time to tell the brain when we’re feeling satisfied and not hungry anymore. Once this happens, our salivary glands produce more saliva, which has digestive enzymes that help break down food.

People who chew their food more thoroughly tend to eat less at a sitting because they get full faster and are able to feel the sensation of being satisfied better than people who don’t chew as well. The best way to do this is by chewing each bite for about 30 chews, or until it becomes liquid.

Create an environment where it is difficult to overeat by turning off the TV and putting down your phone.
This way you are able to take time for yourself, enjoy what’s on your plate instead of scrolling through social media or watching Netflix while eating dinner, and do a few deep breaths before taking another bite if needed (or desired).

Try eating in silence
One way to curb your appetite is by eating in silence. When we eat, the sweet music of our favorite song or a loud TV show can be distracting and cause us to overeat without realizing it. Instead of letting these distractions lead you astray from sticking with a healthy diet plan, try sitting down at dinner time when there are no other noises around like TVs on or even pets running about.

Make note of how the food that you eat makes your body feel.

a woman biting into a sandwich with lots of lettuce

You can also stop overeating by having a more mindful approach to food. When you are eating, try focusing on how the food makes your body feel. Take note of any feelings that come up when you eat, and pay attention to how long it takes before feeling full again. This will help you know what types of foods best suit your needs without overdoing them.

One way to lower food intake is to serve out your portions.
Another way to stop overeating is by serving out your portions. This means that you take a plate and split up the food evenly before filling it with items so that there is no room for you to add more without taking away from someone else’s portion.

Try not to eat when upset or stressed
It may seem like the quickest fix to a bad mood, but it will just make you overeat in the long run. Eating when upset or stressed can lead to emotional eating and an unhealthy relationship with food.

Eating is a natural stress reliever, but it’s also an emotional trap. When we’re feeling upset or stressed about something and want to eat our feelings away, the food just adds more weight on your mind with guilt and regret later. Instead of eating when you feel down because that only extends the sadness in both body and spirit, take 30 minutes for yourself by going outside (or if inside find someplace quiet) while doing one thing at a time like breathing deeply three times before returning to what you were working on earlier?

Stop eating when you’re full
You know the feeling when you’re full and just can’t eat another bite? Well, this is a good thing. It’s your body telling you that it has had enough to sustain itself for now. The problem with many people nowadays is that they feel like they need more than what their bodies actually require – so in essence, overeating happens because of greediness as opposed to hunger pangs or anything else related thereto! So really all we have to do is listen well and stop eating when our stomachs are satisfied but not yet bursting from overstuffing ourselves beyond belief- only then will we see how easy it really is to stop overeating!

It is so important to remember that we are not always aware of how much food and calories we consume. Mindful eating can help us become more mindful about our current habits, thoughts, and feelings around food. Be sure to include some mindfulness exercises in your life today!

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