Is Apple a Citrus Fruit?

Given the ongoing dispute regarding whether or not tomatoes are a fruit and strawberries are not, you’d be forgiven for wondering about this! Apples are found all throughout the world and seem to be in …

red apples on white plastic container

Given the ongoing dispute regarding whether or not tomatoes are a fruit and strawberries are not, you’d be forgiven for wondering about this! Apples are found all throughout the world and seem to be in season at all times. They’re an ingredient in salads, pies, and even considered a healthy nibble. However, are apples a citrus fruit?

Is Apple a Citrus Fruit?

No, apples are not citrus fruits. They’re a pomaceous fruit or non citrus fruits. Citrus fruits come from the “Citrus” genus Citrus and are known for their juicyness, citric acid, and fragrance. Plants in the genus produce citrus fruits, including important crops such as oranges, lemons, grapefruits, pomelos, and limes.

Citrus fruits contain citric acid in large amount which gives them their characteristic sharp flavor.

The Apple as a Pomaceous Fruit

red apple lot

Apples come in a wide range of colors, from yellow, green, or red. They’re juicy within and have a delicious flavor with a fleshy pulp. Apples are usually spherical and between 2-4 inches in diameter. An apple could probably be squeezed into the palm of your hand.

Apples come in a variety of tastes and varieties, including sweet or sour. Some are used just for their juice, while others are purely acidic or sweet.

Citrus fruits come from flowering trees and shrubs that are members of the Citrus genus. Pomaceous fruits are accessory fruits, meaning that the fruit itself is not wholly derived from the flower’s ovary.

The History Behind Apples: Where Do They Come From?

Apples have been around for a long time. They’ve actually been on the earth for thousands of years. People from all across Europe and Southeast Asia have gathered wild apples since more than 10,000 years ago, and apples have appeared in many classical paintings as a testament to their popularity.

Apples were considered a “forbidden fruit” in the Bible’s tale of Adam and Eve, which is quite ancient. This, combined with their anecdotal health benefits, may explain why apples have been so popular throughout history. DNA research has revealed that apples are not only not citrus fruits, but they also originated in the mountains of Kazakhstan, where the wild apple Malus sieversii still exists today.

Apples are heterozygous, which means that a cultivated apple will be different from its parents. This is why people prefer domesticated apples — you can never be sure if wild apples will be sweet or extremely sour, so you’d better stick with the tamed ones. China is one of the major producers of domesticated apple Malus domestica, along with Italy, Chile, the United States, and Poland.

Apples Are Not Citrus Fruits: Here’s Why

Apples are not citrus fruits, and they never could be. They share only a resemblance to each other in terms of their seeds’ appearance from afar, but no matter how juicy an apple is or how acidic, it isn’t a citrus fruit. Let’s look a little further into things:Nutritional Information

Apples are high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They have a large burst of energy, very little fat (less than 4 grams per 100 calories), and almost 85% water.

Citrus fruits include many of the same vitamins and minerals as other fruits, including potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron. However, they do not have as much fiber in them as other fruits.


Apples are fleshy and delicate to eat, with a sweet or sour flavor. Apples are usually eaten whole, sliced, and added to salads, with people split over whether or not to peel them.

On the other hand, citrus fruits are not fleshy in the same way as strawberries are and their peels aren’t edible.

Daily Uses

Apples are eaten in salads, by themselves, and less often as juices. They’re available all year and are grown on trees, which makes planting them simple. There are two kinds of apples: cooking apples and eating apples.

Unlike red apples, these are used in the preparation of apple-flavored desserts and pies, which is why they’re sometimes called cooking varieties. Apple picking is a popular activity during the fall season, and candied apples and otherapple dishes are popular on Halloween.

In many European cuisines, fried apples are served alongside meat and sausage dishes. In the case of citrus fruits, they are frequently used in juices and flavorings, with their juice sometimes being utilized to prepare delectable, savory dinners.

Where Do Apples Grow Best?

Apples thrive in areas with distinct winter seasons, but only if the weather is not too cold. They should be planted in well-drained soil that has been fertilized for optimum growth. Because of the unpredictability of apples produced from seeds, most trees are grown via grafting, the only method to assure a specific apple yield when they’re ripe.

During the winter, some growers prefer to grow them in hillsides since they are more suited to harsh environments. When temperatures drop too low, the colder sir may drain down into the valley rather than remaining attached to the trees. If left exposed in extreme cold, young blooms or seedlings might freeze solid and be lost.

It takes about six to eight years for a typical apple tree to begin producing apples, but they must be cared for the entire period, particularly during the first five years.

Final Thoughts: Are Apples a Citrus Fruit?

While apples and citrus fruits may have some similarities, the apple isn’t, in fact, a citrus fruit — although it’s just as delicious. The two differ significantly in terms of taste, looks, and nutritional value.